Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tobacco Road Marathon

I hope you get to run a marathon someday. It is one of the most sublime experiences you can imagine. The wind blowing by you, friends near you cheering you on, the finish line beckoning you on. I love to compare it to the christian walk.

This week was my second week of training for the Tobacco Road Marathon in Cary, NC or the "Smokin' Trail" as my brothers and I affectionately call it, because you fly down the flat gravel path covered by great tree branches that make a silent arch over your hallowed run. It is March 21 and this will be a LONG training season through the Ohio winter, but one I love. Please pray for all that are training through the winter for safety and endurace for a spring Marathon.

On Saturday, I ran 8 miles on the trails at John Bryan State Park, all through the woods by myself, lost in the the beauty of nature and the Chronicles of Narnia but never lost onthe back trails. Then Monday, I ran 6 -800 repeats on Larkins Road, back and forth, back and forth on the warm day this week. It was a tough run.

I look forward to 7 fast miles tomorrow but mostly the adventure of training and the opportunity to mature and grow through running.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

You Will Never Walk Alone

Today, I am looking forward to the start of school. Only a few more days until the students come. It is so exciting yet scary! I am taking on a lot more responsibilities this year, stretching myself. As I was sitting at my desk making a plan today for everything left to do before the school year begins, I heard this great song on my new Nano. It is by Point of Grace. It goes like this...
You will never walk alone
As long as you have faith
Jesus will be right beside you all the way
And you may feel you're far from home
But home is where He is
And He'll be there down every road
You will never walk alone

Its a good reminder....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Spruce Mountain

Thanks to the Library and pressure from another unnamed blogger, I wanted write some interesting notes. Here is a picture of Lake George taken a few weeks ago when I got to go on a day hike with my sisters Marcia and Catherine and their families. It was amazing! The best part was that Wesley, Mark, Catherine and I bushwacked through the deep dark woods to get to the trail head of Spruce Mountain. Other people have gotten lost but we were thankful to make it out alive! Sometimes Ohio's wide open corn fields are a relief! It was also really nice to come back to Ohio and visit with the Kinseys!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sunsets and Snow

The days are cold here but the sunsets are still incredibly beautiful. It is amazing to see God display His handiwork in nature.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Four Cards

I heard this on the radio this morning.
If you were given four cards and you had to write the four most important things in your life on each card. Then imagine that tragedy strikes and one of those cards is taken away. You get to choose which card. Then another tragedy strikes and another card is taken away until there is only one card that remains. What is the most important thing in your life? If it is anything that can be taken away then you will never really be secure.
Make the most important thing in your life Jesus Christ. He says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”

What will I write on my four cards, what really are the four most important things in my life? Is God really the most important thing or is it just my Sunday school answer?