Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tobacco Road Marathon

I hope you get to run a marathon someday. It is one of the most sublime experiences you can imagine. The wind blowing by you, friends near you cheering you on, the finish line beckoning you on. I love to compare it to the christian walk.

This week was my second week of training for the Tobacco Road Marathon in Cary, NC or the "Smokin' Trail" as my brothers and I affectionately call it, because you fly down the flat gravel path covered by great tree branches that make a silent arch over your hallowed run. It is March 21 and this will be a LONG training season through the Ohio winter, but one I love. Please pray for all that are training through the winter for safety and endurace for a spring Marathon.

On Saturday, I ran 8 miles on the trails at John Bryan State Park, all through the woods by myself, lost in the the beauty of nature and the Chronicles of Narnia but never lost onthe back trails. Then Monday, I ran 6 -800 repeats on Larkins Road, back and forth, back and forth on the warm day this week. It was a tough run.

I look forward to 7 fast miles tomorrow but mostly the adventure of training and the opportunity to mature and grow through running.

1 comment:

Betsy Brock said...

It was so nice to see your little picture on my follower's list! :) Training for a for you! That's amazing! I'll just live vicariously. :)