Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Today is such a beautiful day. It is warm and daffodils are beginning to bloom. I got a chance to go out on the deck and read Joshua today while drinking coffee before the kids woke up. I read Joshua 21:45 "Not one word of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass" ESV and it reminded that God keeps his promises. It was so great to be reminded of His faithfulness to us time and time again. 

Afterwards, I went for a walk down the streets with my children in the double stroller until Jose wanted to get out and help push it with me. He is very active so this was great. 

Hopefully, I can balance potty training, cloth diapers, feeding the children, nap times, working on the computer and keeping the house somewhat tidy fairly well until my sweet husband comes home from work. But even if I can't balance it today, I know that God has everything under control and He is faithful to keep His promises.

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